Jul 5, 2022 | Uncategorized
“Ersetzt ein Stahlwerk seinen jährlichen Koksbedarf von 45.000 Tonnen durch Pflanzenkohle, lässt sich eine Kohlendioxidfracht von rund 146.000 Tonnen vermeiden,” Dies ist nur eine wichtige Information dieses Artikels über PYREG aus dem...
Mar 10, 2022 | Biochar, Bioenergy, Biomass, CDR, EBC, net-zero, Uncategorized
Swiss energy service provider IWB produces regenerative heat and CO2-absorbing biochar from green waste. The Basel based IWB has realized the first climate-neutral district heating project in Switzerland. Using our newly developed PX1500, IWB is now...
Mar 5, 2021 | Biochar, CCS, Co2-Footprint, Pyrolysis
The strict requirements of the EBC In order to achieve climate neutrality by 2050, as called for by the EU, two fundamentally different strands of action are required: on the one hand, the reduction of carbon emissions, and on the other, the creation of...