PYREG - Engi­nee­ring a green future



Climate Protec­tion by conver­ting carbon contai­ning waste into valuable output

Biochar Carbon Removal (BCR) tech­no­logy is one of the few primary solu­tions for addres­sing climate change through active carbon removal

Conti­nuous inno­va­tions and further deve­lo­p­ments make us a pioneer in our industry. As a clean­tech company for plant engi­nee­ring and envi­ron­mental tech­no­logy based in Germany, we have been desig­ning and manu­fac­tu­ring certi­fied, high quality carbo­niza­tion plants (pyro­lysis) for more than 10 years. What’s more, our BCR tech­no­logy meets the highest envi­ron­mental stan­dards. We are a global market leader in conver­ting a wide range of hete­ro­ge­neous, biogenic resi­dues into valuable CO2-seques­te­ring biochar, phos­phorus ferti­li­zers and rene­wable energy.

PYREG is a climate change solu­tion that married
a viable busi­ness proposition

Carbo­niza­tion drives sustaina­bi­lity
and enables circularity

Upcy­cling is a process of trans­forming waste mate­rials into products of a better quality or for
better envirn­on­mental value.
Using PYREG Tech­no­logy, compa­nies address the end-of-life concerns related to their products, trans­forming their waste into value added products, such as energy and biochar.

CO2 Sink

Waste Volume

Extra­cted Re-
newable Energy

High Quality
End Product – Biochar

PYREG at a glance

PYREG is a German manu­fac­turer of carbo­niza­tion machines for upcy­cling organic waste into valuable CO₂-seques­te­ring biochar and rege­ne­ra­tive heat.

PYREG has engi­neered a patented pyro­lysis tech­no­logy that features multi-subs­tance capa­bi­lity and control of carbo­niza­tion on para­me­ters. PYREG-Biochar is a Nega­tive Emis­sion Tech­no­logy (NET). Left in the soil or used in other durable mate­rial appli­ca­tions, this biochar creates a carbon sink. This is how PYREG systems “closes the loop” and removes carbon from the atmo­sphere (BCR).
PYREG was founded in 2009 as a spin-off of TH Bingen, Univer­sity of Applied Sciences.

All PYREG plants are certi­fied by the industry EBC-stan­dard, desi­gned to ensure harmo­nized and veri­fiable stan­dards for climate-protec­tive biochar production.

At PYREG GmbH, we set the utmost importance to the sustainable and careful use of resources. All plant systems are manu­fac­tured at our company head­quarter in Dörth. In so doing, we are able to guarantee that our plants really deserve the quality seal “Made in Germany” and always meet the latest envi­ron­mental standards.


RWTH Aachen, Giessen Univer­sity, Univer­sity of Kassel, ETH Zürich Switz­er­land, TH Bingen Univer­sity of Applied Sciences, Freie Univer­sität Berlin

German Sustaina­bi­lity Award 2022
Erfin­der­preis Rheinland-Pfalz
ZIRP Inno­va­ti­ons­preis  
Success Sonder­prämie Energie  
Energy Awards Nominee
Diesel­me­daille Nominee  
IWA LET2016 Indus­trial Inno­va­tion Award  


Deut­sche Gesell­schaft für Abfall­wirt­schaft e. V.
ECOli­ance Rheinland-Pfalz
Euro­pean Biochar Industry Consor­tium (EBI)
Deut­sche Phos­phor Plattform
Inter­na­tio­nale Biochar Initiative
Carbon Busi­ness Council


We are proud of our team

Das PYREG Team jubelt

Anna-Lena Stork, HR Department

“I have been working with PYREG since the begin­ning of this year. The team is great and I simply like going to work every day.”

Erik Stein­hagen, Purchasing

“Tech­no­logy that is used to preserve nature –
that has inspired me for more than 10 years”


We are at your disposal. Let us work toge­ther to deter­mine how PYREG tech­no­logy can be inte­grated into your mate­rial cycles, to increase yields and provide cost savings. Our moti­vated team will support you every step of the way.

Trink­born­straße 15-17
56281 Dörth

Phone: +49 (0) 6747 95 388-0
Fax: +49 (0) 6747 95 388-19

Learn more about us…

Carbonization technique


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Carbonization in China


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