Oct 8, 2023 | climate change, climate protection, Co2-Footprint, technology
The ProSieben TV presenter Thore Schölermann invited dedicated climate protection entrepreneurs, scientists and authors to Germany’s highest TV studio on the Zugspitze. A very insightful and rousing TV production of the “Hope for change” Talk. The...
Dec 7, 2022 | Biochar, CDR, climate change, Co2-Footprint
This 6 – 8 December 2022, join PYREG for International Biochar Initiative’s annual symposium, “Raising Climate Ambitions with Biochar.” The three-day, virtual event will focus on quantifying biochar’s true climate solution impacts, as well as provide...
Nov 29, 2022 | Biochar, Bioenergy, Biomass, CDR, climate change, net-zero, Pyrolysis
thyssenkrupp rothe erde is breaking new ground in climate protection: with a carbonization plant that is unique in this form in Germany to date, the company is taking a major step toward reducing CO2 with PYREG’s innovative NetZero technology. In the...
Sep 14, 2022 | awards, Biochar, CCS, CDR, climate change, Uncategorized
The competition for European scale-ups & start-ups in renewable energy PYREG is proud to be among the 10 remaining finalists of the New Energy Challenge (NEC). Jointly organized by Rockstart, Shell, Unknown Group and YES!Delft, the New Energy Challenge...
Oct 27, 2021 | Biochar, biosolids, climate change, GWP, net-zero, Sewage Sludge
PYREG Biochar from biosolids proves a negative global warming potential by a factor of 10 compared to conventional fertilizer. In a 2019 study by the German Federal Environmental Agency, the result is that conventional fertilizer production in Germany emits...
Sep 17, 2021 | Biochar, CCS, climate change
The German Biochar Association and EBI explain and emphasize the importance of biochair in the fight against climate change. Here is the latest work, an easy-to-understand film. Please share it as much as possible! “Einfach loslegen”, das war der Ansatz vom...