Circular Economy is the future. You can join it today.


Carbo­niza­tion drives sustaina­bi­lity
and enables circularity

With our modu­larly manu­fac­tured plants, indus­trial compa­nies, agri­cul­tural and sewage treat­ment compa­nies can convert their carbon-contai­ning “waste” on site into premium Biochar and at the same time gene­rate rene­wable energy. In this way, a resi­dual or proble­matic mate­rial is turned into high-quality, climate-protec­ting Biochar.

Biochar enables perma­nent storage of the CO2 bound in the resi­dual mate­rials. Opera­tors of PYREG plants thus not only close mate­rial cycles, but also create nature-based carbon sinks.

A smart solu­tion for the end-of-life chal­lenges of your products: Closing the loop with added value and climate protec­tion in one!

Make sustaina­bi­lity
your new busi­ness model!

The going circular advan­tages can be used, either as a yield model or, to benefit the compa­nies CSR goals.

CO2 Sink

Waste Volume

Extra­cted Re-
newable Energy

High Quality
End-Product: Biochar

CO2-Sink Certi­fi­cates

2,100 t CO2/year*
262,500 €
(Puro Earth, 01.11.22, base price 125€) 

Upcy­cling your waste
to biochar

900 t/year
= 720,000 €

CO2-Carbon Storage

2,100 t CO2/year
180,000 Trees 

Rene­wable Energy

600 kW ≙ ~ 4,8 GWh/year
240,000 € /year
+ addi­tional savings 
compared to liquid gas 1,300 t CO2

Source: Fach­buch rege­ne­ra­tive Ener­gie­sys­teme (2019)
  By example wood­chips 80%DS, 19 MJ/kg DS
 * Produc­tion-related CO2 emis­sions have already been deducted

With Pyreg, you meet the United Nations SDGs
(Sustainable Deve­lo­p­ment Goals)

The sustaina­bi­lity goals set by the UN are not only rele­vant for compa­nies that report accor­ding to inter­na­tional stan­dards. They define a shared respon­si­bi­lity for all compa­nies along their own supply chain and mate­ria­lity.
PYREG tech­no­logy closes the loop and seques­ters CO2. Meet the requi­re­ments of the UN SDGs today instead of waiting for tomorrow!

Biochar – the key ingre­dient for
a sustainable economy

What makes Biochar special? High-quality biochar has a great variety of charac­te­ristics and effects; it acts like a sponge, retai­ning water and nutri­ents. These quali­ties enable biochar to be used in many appli­ca­tions, such as:



Soil Improver


Production Additive

Filling mate­rial
in production

Buil­ding mate­rial

The quality and ther­e­fore the appli­ca­tions areas depend on the input mate­rial. Low-quality biochar can be used as filling mate­rial in produc­tion or as a buil­ding mate­rial addi­tive in asphalt or concrete.
Either way – waste can be used again in a sustainable way to close the loop, demons­t­ra­ting a true Circular Economy.

Need Finan­cing?


During this carbo­niza­tion process, the majo­rity of the carbon is actually seques­tered in the resul­ting Biochar, thereby inhi­bi­ting the release of CO2 into the atmo­sphere, for centu­ries. This seques­tered CO2 amount can be certi­fied and used either to achieve sustainable corpo­rate goals or to trade them on the open market. (Source: Wald­zen­trum Univer­sität Münster (2019))



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