10. March 2023
Henriette zu Doha
Biochar | Bioenergy | CDR | Company | technology | Uncategorized

HANDELS­BLATT about PYREG: “The climate polluter CO2 as a valuable material”

The German busi­ness and finan­cial news­paper Handels­blatt takes a look at the value of carbon-based products and reports: “Compa­nies around the world are deve­lo­ping processes to capture and recycle CO2. Some tech­no­lo­gies have parti­cular potential.”

This is a trans­la­tion of the text excerpts about our company:

Pyreg: Biochar from biomass
Compost, green waste, wood and manure are also CO2 emit­ters. The engi­nee­ring company Pyreg, for example, manu­fac­tures a system that converts CO2 contai­ning biomass resi­dues into valuable biochar.
In this process, the biomass is converted into biochar under air extra­c­tion and high tempe­ra­tures in so-called carbo­niza­tion plants. This prevents a large propor­tion of the CO2 contained in the biomass from esca­ping into the atmo­sphere. The biochar is used, for example, in agri­cul­ture to enrich the soil with nutri­ents and in and in industry as a compo­nent of buil­ding mate­rials. There, the CO2 is “safely stored for thou­sands of years,” says Pyreg CEO Jörg zu Dohna. If the green waste were left to rot instead, the CO2 stored during the plants’ growth phase would be released again. One ton of Biochar perma­nently binds almost three tons of CO2 per year.
The system has a further advan­tage: Heat is gene­rated in the carbo­niza­tion process. The indus­trial company Thyssen-Krupp Rothe Erde, which produces large-diameter anti­f­ric­tion bearings, has installed a carbo­niza­tion plant at its produc­tion site in Lipp­stadt. Accor­ding to Wilfried Spintig, COO at Thyssen-Krupp Rothe Erde, it covers around 40 percent of the energy requi­re­ments for heating and warm water in the produc­tion halls, offices and staff rooms. That corre­sponds to the annual demand of just under 180 four-person house­holds. Thyssen-Krupp Rothe Erde uses wood from pack­a­ging waste. Around 2,500 metric tons of wood resi­dues are used annu­ally to gene­rate over 5300 mega­watt hours of heat and heat and around 640 tons of biochar.
Demand for the carbo­niza­tion plants has has risen sharply in the past the past two years. Over 50 plants are in opera­tion world­wide and remove 30,000 metric tons of CO2 annu­ally. This corre­sponds to equi­va­lent to the climate perfor­mance of 2.4 million trees. The tech­no­logy has has its price: one plant costs around two million euros.

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