14. November 2021
Henriette zu Doha

PYREG: nomi­nated as forward-looking inno­va­tion and scalable solution.

We are proud that PYREG has been nomi­nated for the 14th German Sustaina­bi­lity Award in the Trans­for­ma­tion Field „Climate“.
This top national award reco­gnizes compa­nies that have made sustaina­bi­lity part of their busi­ness model and are making effec­tive contri­bu­tions to the trans­for­ma­tion with inno­va­tive products and services: 

„In the trans­for­ma­tion field of climate change, energy, buil­dings, trans­port, industry and agri­cul­ture must be decar­bo­nized quickly to achieve climate neutra­lity. What is needed are forward-looking inno­va­tions and bolder imple­men­ta­tion of exis­ting economic and scalable solutions.“

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Grüne Fern­wärme für die Stadt­werke Grevesmühlen

Grüne Fern­wärme für die Stadt­werke Grevesmühlen

Novocarbos grüne Wärmelösung entzieht jährlich 3.200 t CO2 Die Kooperation zwischen den Stadtwerken Grevesmühlen und dem Hamburger Cleantech-Unternehmen Novocarbo zur Dekarbonisierung des kommunalen Fernwärmenetzes auf Basis der PYREG-Technologie...

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