Apr. 16, 2024 | BCR, carbon removal park, climate protection, district heating, Pflanzenkohle, Pyrolyse, renewable energy
Vier PYREG PX 1500 Anlagen bilden die technische Basis des größten Carbon Removal Parks des deutschen Climate Tech Start-ups Novocarbo Das deutsche Klimatechnologieunternehmen Novocarbo hat den Startschuss für seinen bisher größten Carbon Removal Park...
Dez. 15, 2023 | Klärschlamm, PFAS, Pyrolyse, Unkategorisiert
Per- und polyfluorierte Alkylsubstanzen (PFAS) sind eine große Gruppe synthetischer Verbindungen, die dazu neigen, Wasser, Nahrungsketten und Böden über Generationen hinweg zu kontaminieren. Zu den Quellen der PFAS-Kontamination zählen Papierfabriken,...
Juli 29, 2022 | Bioenergie, Biomasse, CDR, net-zero, Pflanzenkohle, Pyrolyse, Reststoffe
„Carbonization of biomass to produce Biochar for use in Regenerative Agriculture” PYREG held its first Biochar symposium for Growers in the California Central Valley. Why? Biomass residues are valuable materials! With PYREG NetZero Carbonization...
Juli 19, 2022 | Pflanzenkohle, Klärschlamm, Pflanzenkohle, phosphorus fertilizer, phosphorus fertilizer, Pyrolyse, Pyrolyse, Klärschlamm
The Danish EPA gives green light for application of biochar from sewage sludge for use in farming: Biochar from sewage sludge can now be used as a fertilizer. If the pyrolysis takes place at temperatures > 500˚C for more than 3 minutes, and the process...
Sep. 8, 2021 | Co2-Footprint, Pyrolyse, Reststoffe, Unkategorisiert
We are looking forward to presenting our Waste-to-Value climate protection technology to a large interested clientele at UK´s largest waste management event. RWM Expo addresses the latest topics, trends and solutions surrounding recycling and waste...
Sep. 14, 2020 | Bioenergie, Biomasse, Co2-Footprint, Pflanzenkohle, Pyrolyse, Reststoffe, Unkategorisiert
Pilot Biochar Project: Bioenergy with Carbon Capture and Storage (BECCS) Max Burgers, Sweden’s favourite hamburger restaurant chain, is currently participating in a pilot biochar project enabled by our partner Skånefrö, a Swedish producer and supplier of...