Carbonize your residues into climate-protecting biochar!
PYREG offers a sustainable future proof business solution to meet todays and future environmental requirements.
We help you to close the loop in your carbon cycle and reduce your carbon footprint by transforming your organic waste into a valuable resource.

How to go circular and sequester CO2
PYREG systems locally upcycle your organic waste into valuable biochar, thereby “closing the loop” and demonstrating a true Circular Economy.
Furthermore, during the carbonization process, the majority of the carbon is actually sequestered in the resulting biochar, thereby inhibiting the release of CO2 into the atmosphere, for centuries.
Solutions Worldwide

The industry leading Technology in 2 Minutes
With PYreg, you meet the United Nations SDGs
(Sustainable Development Goals)
The sustainability goals set by the UN are not only relevant for companies that report according to international standards. They define a shared responsibility for all companies along their own supply chain and materiality.
PYREG technology closes the loop and sequesters CO₂. Meet the requirements of the UN SDGs today instead of waiting for tomorrow!

Biochar increases soil properties and fertility and thus contributes to a sustainable agriculture.

Due to its enormous surface Biochar offers an excellent capacity to store nutrients and water in the soil.

PYREG carbonization generates renewable energy that can either be used on site or be fed into the local heating network.

PYREG closes the loop in carbon cycles by transforming organic waste into a valuable resource, clearing the path to "green transformation" for these industries.

Biochar can be extracted from the organic waste of cities and then serve as a water reservoir for urban green spaces that are burdened by climate change.

By recycling carbonaceous waste in a sustainable way, PYREG technology closes the loop, lowers the CO2 footprint and generates renewable energy at the same time.

Biochar is included in the IPCC special report as a promising negative emission technology (NET), mitigating climate change.

Due to its enormous surface of 200-500 m² per gram and a high porosity, Biochar retents water and nutrients dissolved in it and thus combats desertification and biodiversity loss.

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