The industry leading CO2 removal tech­no­logy (CDR)




Carbo­nize your resi­dues into climate-protec­ting biochar!

PYREG offers a sustainable future proof busi­ness solu­tion to meet todays and future envi­ron­mental requi­re­ments.
We help you to close the loop in your carbon cycle and reduce your carbon foot­print by trans­forming your organic waste into a valuable resource.

How to go circular and sequester CO2

PYREG systems locally upcycle your organic waste into valuable biochar, thereby “closing the loop” and demons­t­ra­ting a true Circular Economy.

Further­more, during the carbo­niza­tion process, the majo­rity of the carbon is actually seques­tered in the resul­ting biochar, thereby inhi­bi­ting the release of CO2 into the atmo­sphere, for centuries.

> learn more

Solu­tions Worldwide

The industry leading Tech­no­logy in 2 Minutes

With PYreg, you meet the United Nations SDGs
(Sustainable Deve­lo­p­ment Goals)

The sustaina­bi­lity goals set by the UN are not only rele­vant for compa­nies that report accor­ding to inter­na­tional stan­dards. They define a shared respon­si­bi­lity for all compa­nies along their own supply chain and mate­ria­lity.
PYREG tech­no­logy closes the loop and seques­ters CO₂. Meet the requi­re­ments of the UN SDGs today instead of waiting for tomorrow!


PYREG is a CDR Inno­vator sponsor

PYREG is a CDR Inno­vator sponsor

We’re proud to be a sponsor of the Carbon­fu­ture Carbon Removal Summit 2024 and are thrilled to contri­bute to the conver­sa­tion on inno­va­tion in CDR...

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