Make use of your waste materials
Do you want to sustainably reduce or recycle your waste materials and generate renewable energy, while improving your CO2 footprint and closing loops?
We have the solution!
multi-material capability
This is our strength:
Only PYREG systems can recycle such a wide range of heterogeneous, biogenic residues.

Make sustainability
your new business model
The advantages can be used, either as a yield model or, to benefit the companies CSR goals.

CO2 Sink

Waste Volume

Extracted Re-
newable Energy

High Quality
End-Product: Biochar

Fields of application
Depending on the processing stage, biochar can be used in a wide range of applications. It finds its way on the market as:
- Natural soil conditioner (promotes nutrient & water content as well as humus build-up)
- Natural feed additive (in the form of feed carbon; improves animal health)
- Additive in the biogas process (improves the gas yield)
- Natural stable bedding (improves the stable climate & reduces material costs)
- Natural additive for composting (binds nutrients & reduces greenhouse gases)
- Filling material additive in production
- Builing material additive (e.g. asphalt and concrete)